Therapeutic Recreation Month: A Message from our President

NLTRA President (2020/2021)
Happy Therapeutic Recreation month to all of you wonderful people! As we celebrate our profession this month, you should all be very proud of yourselves. This has been a year like no other. We have been tested and sometimes stretched beyond where we ever thought we would be able to go, but we rose to the occasion. Because of our efforts, the province, the health authorities, the clients that we serve, and their families have seen the value of Therapeutic Recreation. You should all be very proud of the way you have stepped up during a world-wide pandemic to do your part. Now, as we go into February, remember to treat others with kindness (you never know what the person standing next to you is going through) and treat yourself with kindness (because you’re great and you deserve it). Practice your own self-care, whatever that is for you, and I encourage you to take time for yourself and your family. Make self-care a priority! Have fun, celebrate, and make valuable memories.
Happy TR Month!
Erica Egedy B.Rec., CTRS